
Friday, May 22, 2020

thanks front line workers

thanks to the front line workers like police officers ,firefighters,paramedics, even supermarket workers   and the salvation army and 2 more the army and doctors/nurses thank you to all of them actually thank you new zealand we have only won a few battles not the war but we are close 

we should all be happy and never stop trying 

wecome to iraq

Friday, May 8, 2020

what level 2 will look like

you stay 2 meters apart still but you can you around more freely you now can go to the mall but most small shops are restricting the numbes of people inside like 30 people i dont know you can get your hair cut go buy books toys furnter new tech but still you are incoured to stay home and yeah so stay safe and remeber working hard will pay off

Friday, May 1, 2020

how are you during this time

hello whanau, how are you? I hope you are ok during this tough time. in tough times like this we need to stay home as it will SAVE LIVES Also keep your 2 meter distance and if you are at school REMEMBER SANATISE YOUR HANDS. But still go for walks but if you cross a road at traffic lights USES YOUR ELBOW look ford to seeing you all at level 2 from your freind Ryder.w